Friday, May 2, 2014

How To Get A Perfect Job

How To Get The Perfect Job
How to Prepare for the Interview                                                                                                                                   ................................................................................................................   3
Choosing the Perfect Job                                                                                                                                                  .............................................................................................................................   3
Conducting Your Job Search                                                                                                                                             ........................................................................................................................   4
Conducting Yourself at the Interview                                                                                                                             ..........................................................................................................   5
Dressing for the Interview                                                                                                                                                ...........................................................................................................................   6
Enhance Your Skills to Find the Perfect Job                                                                                                                   .................................................................................................   7
Finding Training Resources for Your Perfect Job                                                                                                          ..........................................................................................   8
Defining the “Perfect Job”                                                                                                                                                ...........................................................................................................................   9
Evaluating Your Qualifications for the Job                                                                                                                     ...................................................................................................   9
Five Ways to Guarantee Landing the Perfect Job                                                                                                       ......................................................................................   10  
How Effective are Specialty Employment Agencies and Job Banks?                                                                       ..........................................................   11  
Getting the Perfect Job and Keeping It                                                                                                                        ......................................................................................................   12  
Focus on the Interviewer and Interview                                                                                                                      ....................................................................................................   13  
How to Kill Your Chances for Being Hired                                                                                                                    ..................................................................................................   14  
How to Know if You’re Making the Right Choice                                                                                                        .......................................................................................   15  
Proper Interview Techniques to Land the Perfect Job                                                                                               ...............................................................................   16  
Is Getting the Perfect Job Worth the Extra Effort?                                                                                                    ....................................................................................   17  
Preparing for the Perfect Job                                                                                                                                         .....................................................................................................................   17  
Project Your Own Image                                                                                                                                                 ............................................................................................................................   18  
You and the Perfect Job: How Do You Connect                                                                                                          .........................................................................................   19  
Is the Perfect Job Fact or Fantasy?                                                                                                                               ............................................................................................................   20  
The Best Job Resources                                                                                                                                                   .............................................................................................................................   21  
The Importance of Maintaining Professionalism                                                                                                        .......................................................................................   22  
Things to Consider when Identifying the Perfect Job                                                                                                ................................................................................   22  
Where to Find the Perfect Job                                                                                                                                       ...................................................................................................................   23  
How to Prepare for the Interview
In order to get the perfect job you have to first pass the interview process and get
to the hiring manager. That means you have to know how to conduct yourself at
the interview in order to even pass the first stage. There are some places that will
hire you directly without going through the hiring manager but you still have to
pass the interview process to be hired. Many people just go to an interview and
have no idea what they need to do or how to conduct oneself and end up losing the
job because of it.
One of the places many people go wrong at interviews is not having a clue about
the company or the position. Not all companies ask that question but you have to
be prepared. It makes you look foolish if you don’t know anything about the
company. They assume if you want to work for them you will take the time to find
something out about the company. You do not have to know a great deal, but you
should at least know what the company does and the types of products or services
they provide.
Before the interview you should also prepare a list of questions you want to ask the
interviewer. Most of the time the interviewer will ask if you have any questions, and
if you don’t have any, the consensus is that you are not concerned enough to ask
any questions rather than that the interviewer covered everything. However, if he
or she does not offer the information, you do not ask about the salary at the
interview. This is something that is against interview protocol and should never be
asked until a job offer is made. Most interviewers will discuss the salary as part of
the interview process but if that is not the case, do not ask.
If you are not sure where the company is located, leave extra early for the
interview or do a dry run the day before your interview. You want to avoid being
late by getting lost, and though this may not be possible if the company is out of
town or you are leaving from another job, make every effort to make sure you
know exactly where the company is. If you are not sure and cannot leave early
from another job, make sure you obtain explicit directions from the company where
you are going.
Choosing the Perfect Job
Once you have already defined what the perfect job is to you it’s time to begin
looking for positions that meet those requirements. The way you do that is by
putting all of your attributes together and connecting them with available positions.
You want to be realistic when you take this step and not try to find the job that
includes every attribute on your list. What you want to do is find something that
closely matches what you perceive to be the perfect job rather than trying to find
something that has everything you want.
One of the problems many people run across when they are looking for the perfect
job is expecting too much. For example, you may feel you are worth $30,000 as an
experienced administrative assistant but there may not be available positions to
support that. Be willing to accept less than what you want in order to get into the
position of your dreams. That does not mean you have to take something you do
not really want but you do want to leave some leeway for compromise.
In order to make the right decision you want to look at the list you have made of
attributes you seek in a job. If you have not already done so, identify them by
importance. There will always be some things that you absolutely must have and
others than are negotiable. When you are in the process of identifying what is the
perfect job for you never identify only those factors that are absolutely necessary—
always leave room for negotiation. If you’re looking for something that will allow
you to telecommute half of the time be willing to settle for one or two days a week
instead of pushing a position aside because it doesn’t offer as many days as you
would like. There are many different ways to negotiate for a job but not all of the
areas are negotiable.
With the job market currently at such a low point it is ludicrous to think you are
going to get everything you want. You may have an idea in your head about how to
get the perfect job but when the economy shows there are more people looking for
job than there are available jobs you will find you have to make more sacrifices.
Instead of risking not obtaining the job that may indeed turn out to be your perfect
job be willing to reduce the number of mandatory options on your list.
Conducting Your Job Search
There is no one method of conducting a job search that will provide better results
than another. However, it is important to keep in mind that the job market today is
different than it was even ten years ago and many employers refuse to see
applicants until they have seen a resume first. At the same time, very few
employers will accept resumes unless they have a job opening available. The other
problem is that employers are also no longer accepting resumes without knowing
specifically what a job applicant is seeking. It makes it easier for the employer but
more difficult for the job applicant who is seeking to work his or her way into the
perfect job.
Where is the best place to start? Since many employers today are utilizing online
resources this may be your best bet. With so many job posting sites, it’s a good
idea to look at several job posting boards rather than just one or two. Although
some may be more popular than others, they are not the only ones employers
utilize. You want to exercise all of your options and you can only do that if you take
the time to look at all of the job boards that her available online. Never assume
that all employers use what you perceive to be the most popular site. That is the
same as thinking that all employment agencies will have the same job listings—a
serious mistake in judgment.
Since only 20% of available jobs are posted in the local newspaper, does that mean
you should not use that as a source? Of course you should not eliminate using your
local newspaper advertisements but you should not limit yourself to that source. If
you are a serious job seeker, you want to make use of any and all resources that
are available. The more potential resources you utilize, the better your chances are
of finding the job that is perfect for you. In addition, the more sources of job
advertisements you search, the quicker you will be able to find a job. When you
limit yourself to only a few resources you will not have access to everything that is
available and will limit your search. The more resources you have available, the
more options you open and the quicker you will be able to find the job that appeals
to you the most.
Conducting Yourself at the Interview
You have all the qualifications and you have great references, so why don’t you get
the perfect job you so desire? It may be the way you conducted the interview that
has prevented you from getting the job. Certainly many people become nervous at
an interview but failing at the interview goes beyond just being nervous. In fact,
there are things that some interviewees do that go beyond the scope of acceptable.
Do not smoke during or before the interview
Although in today’s world, smoking during the interview is likely to be impossible
unless you are outside, you also want to avoid smoking right before the interview
and bringing the strong odor of smoke into the room. If you do smoke, have the
courtesy to use breath spray or mints afterward. Nothing detracts from a
conversation quicker than the smell of cigarette smoke.
Turn off your cell phone
Under no conditions should you have your cell phone on during a job interview.
Unless the interview process is extremely long, there is nothing that cannot wait
until you are finished and then only an emergency might be acceptable such as an
extremely sick child or a potential life and death situation with a family member.
Cell phones should only be in the silent mode and used as stated above for extreme
emergencies. If possible, arrange with a family member or friend to take
emergency calls and handle them while you are at a job interview.
Stay focused
Another mistake people make at interviews is failing to remain focused on the
interview. Instead of maintaining eye contact with the interviewer they look around
the room, look out the window, daydream or any other number of things including
looking in a purse, making notes unrelated to the interview, playing with a cell
phone and twiddling of thumbs. All of these show signs of boredom and will put you
in a negative light when it comes to getting the perfect job—or any job as far as
that goes.
Choose appropriate discussions
The interviewer may ask a few things about your personal life such as whether
family issues will affect your job and the like but don’t discuss your husband or
boyfriend beyond those issues that directly relate to the job. The interviewer does
not want to know that you’re getting ready to buy a new house or that your church
is having a bazaar.
Dressing for the Interview
One of the key factors that will help you achieve success in getting that perfect job
is the way you dress when you interview. Even if you are applying for a position in
a warehouse, do not assume it is acceptable to dress in jeans and a sweatshirt. In
fact, it is never acceptable to wear jeans to an interview unless the company tells
you specifically that they are having a casual day on the day of your interview or
that you will be in an area where jeans or other casual clothing would be more
Although it is becoming more common for both men and women to dress in
business casual clothing for interviews, you have to keep the type of position in
mind when you dress. Always remember the saying taken from a book by the same
name Dress for Success. What this means is dress according to the position for
which you are applying. Although it may be appropriate to wear khakis and a casual
top for a position as a customer service representative, when you are applying for a
manager’s position you might want to wear at least a skirt and blouse for women
and a suit for the men. Ladies may choose to substitute a pants suit for a skirt and
blouse, especially in colder weather.
Another thing to keep in mind when you are dressing for an interview is to not wear
anything that is going to draw attention to your clothes and away from you. You
want the interviewer to keep his or her focus on you, so do not wear brightly
colored clothing. Even if the position allows for jeans and a top wear something in a
neutral tone. For men and women stay with colors such as black, navy, gray or
brown for slacks and skirts and white or pastel tops. Ladies should also choose
appropriate length skirts and not wear slacks that are tight or revealing.
In order to obtain your perfect job you have to look the part. It should go without
saying but make sure your clothes are clean and wrinkle-free. You want to give the
interviewer the impression that you are serious about the job and not just looking
for something to pass the time for a few months. First impressions are those that
last and if you cannot impress the interviewer during your interview, you will not
have a second chance.
Enhance Your Skills to Find the Perfect Job
One of the best ways you can increase your chances of finding the perfect job is to
enhance your skills. The more you know how to do the better your chances are of
finding the job you really want. Since we have to work for a living, we may as well
do something we enjoy and that may mean developing new skills in order to do
something we really like. Learning is a lifetime process and with so many changes
in technology, it is unlikely we will ever reach a point that we no longer have to
enhance our skills in order to keep up with the growing market.
The choices you make will affect your ability to obtain employment in your field of
choice. It’s important to understand the importance of maintaining a high skill level
in order to meet market demand. No matter how much experience you have or how
much education, there is always the opportunity to learn more especially in today’s
technologically advanced world.  The skills we learned yesterday may be obsolete
next week or even tomorrow, so we have to make certain we always have the most
up to date skills and knowledge. It may mean taking additional college courses on a
regular basis, but if it will help you to maintain or obtain your perfect job, is it not
worth the effort.
Anything that is worth doing is worth doing well, so you want to always stay on top
of your skills and enhance them as necessary to meet a growing demand. Whether
you are already working in your perfect job or hoping to reach that level you need
skill enhancement to help with your advancement. There is nothing worse than
finding out there’s a job opening within your company but you lack the skills to be
promoted. Your willingness and ability to enhance your skills is pertinent not just to
obtaining a new job but to advancing in a current position as well. Do not make the
mistake of thinking that you will reach the point that you no longer need to learn
new skills because as long as there is a chance to improve technology there will be
the need for everyone to continue upgrading their skills in order to remain part of
the growing market. As we continue to move forward in the 21
 century these
technological changes will become more profound and necessary.
Finding Training Resources for Your Perfect Job
When you don’t have all of the training and education you need to perform your
perfect job, you want to find out where you can go in order to get the training you
need. If you already have a degree but need some additional courses, you might
want to think about taking some online courses. Depending on the field in which
you are interested, you may have to combine online and local courses or training in
order to obtain everything you need. Medical fields, for example, still require clinical
time, so you will need to arrange that in your local area.
If you are not interested in online classes, you will need to check in your local area
to discover where you can obtain the training you need for the type of job you wish
to find. For some people the perfect job is not based as much on the type of work
as on other factors such as salary and benefits. If you are one of those people it will
be easier for you to obtain the training you need than for someone who is more
interested in the position itself. Of course, if you have been working in a factor and
concluding, you want something working in an office, you will have to obtain some
training in order to do that.
If you are just beginning your career finding out the where you need to go to learn
to perform your job of choice is easier than it is for someone who has been in the
workforce and is now looking to change careers. Although career changes are not
usually that difficult, the transition is more difficult for those who have been
working for many years doing the same job. It is not impossible by any means, and
there are resources for those who are making a career change later in life.
Sometimes career changes are necessary not because you no longer feel you have
the perfect job but because of changes within your company.
If you find your job is being downsized and you must begin a new career, most
companies offer outsource training. If this does not fit into your scope of the perfect
job, you can certainly ask for more information about obtaining the training you
need to move into a new field in order to obtain the job that is perfect for you.
Defining the “Perfect Job”
Before you can begin to seek the perfect job, you have to be able to define what it
means to you. There is no generic meaning nor will you have the same definition as
someone else, even your spouse or significant other. Everyone looks for something
different and thus the meaning of the perfect job will differ even among family
members. It may even have a different meaning for you now than it will ten years
from now. In short, the “perfect job” is the one that offers what you want and gives
you the satisfaction of feeling you accomplished something when you go home at
the end of your shift.
The first thing you want to do is make a list of what you expect from a new position
whether it’s with your current employer or whether you are planning to go to a new
company. Unless you are able to identify what you seek it will be very difficult to
find the perfect job. You would be going into it blindly much like looking for a house
without having any idea where you wanted to live or what amenities you wanted in
it. You always want to have a plan, some idea of where to begin. The more details
you list, the easier it will be for you to find what you want from the beginning
instead of continually changing jobs while you look for the perfect one.
Don’t expect to find one generic definition for the perfect job because you are not
going to find it. You will view it differently than anyone else you know because at
least one thing is going to be different. For some people the perfect job may be
something that allows them to work a set work schedule very day while others may
be looking for the convenience to telecommute one or more days a week. You want
to identify what it means for you regardless of what it may mean to anyone else.
Make a list of all of the things that are important to you in a job or career and then
work from your list to find that perfect job. Take the time to look for what you
really want rather than taking the first thing that comes along—it doesn’t look good
on your resume if you continue to job hop instead of attempting to find the position
you want from the start.
Evaluating Your Qualifications for the Job
Looking for the perfect job sometimes means choosing something that is not
exactly what you were seeking because of your qualifications. Many people are
tempted to apply for positions for which they are not qualified because they happen
to meet their definition of the “perfect job.” The problem is you are setting yourself
up for disappointment and making yourself look foolish in front of the interviewer if
you even have an opportunity to reach that step. In most cases, lacking
qualifications will not allow you to reach the interview stage, so you are only
wasting your time and that of the person doing the screening for the position.
When you have found what you perceive to be your perfect job, make sure you
qualify before you go any farther. You don’t want to set yourself up for
disappointment by applying for a position when you don’t even meet the minimum
qualifications. Most companies have required qualifications and preferred
qualifications. If an advertisement says you must have a Bachelors degree, do not
apply if you only have an Associate’s degree because your resume will find its way
into the trash bin rather than in the hands of the hiring manager.
The key to getting the perfect job is spending as little time as possible interviewing,
and you accomplish that by only applying for positions that you can match to your
qualifications. That doesn’t mean you should never attempt to make career
changes, but when you do choose something that matches to your qualifications
rather than attempting to break into a field in which you lack experience, education
and expertise. Nothing is more irritating to an interviewer than being approached
by someone who doesn’t meet the minimum qualifications of the job.
Review every advertisement thoroughly before you submit your resume so that you
know whether you have a chance of obtaining that position. Don’t think you will be
able to sweet talk the interviewer with claims of being a quick learner or being
willing to go to school to learn what is necessary—these are things you must
possess before you will be hired for the job. There are exceptions such as when the
advertisement says certain skills are “preferred” rather than required or says they
are willing to train the right person. When you fail to read minimum qualifications,
you make yourself look less than professional to the interviewer and may even
prevent yourself from consideration for future positions for which you may qualify.
Five Ways to Guarantee Landing the Perfect Job
There are ways to win and ways to lose when it comes to landing the perfect job.
Before you begin looking you want to make sure you know things you should do in
order to at least increase your chances of landing that perfect job you want.
Nothing is a guarantee but failure to do the right thing is certainly a guarantee to
1. Dress appropriately for the interview
Even if you are going to a factory or warehouse for the interview, dress in
business attire unless you are told otherwise by the interviewer. Do not assume
it is appropriate to wear jeans or other casual attire because of the location of
the interview.
2. Learn something about the company where you are going
Nothing will kill your chances of a job quicker than your lack of knowledge about
the company where you are going. The interviewer may not ask you about your
knowledge but you want to be prepared in case he or she does ask. There are
often occasions where an interviewer will ask how you feel you can be an asset
to the company, and you can only answer that if you have some knowledge
about what the company does and more importantly, the types of goods or
services they provide.
3. Do not discuss personal issues with the interviewer
As tempting as it may be to become friends with your interviewer, that is an
easy way to lose the job. Keep the conversation focused on things that are
related to the job for which you are applying. If the interviewer asks questions
that relate to your family keep your answers focused on only the question he or
she asks. There is no need to provide any information beyond that asked.
4. Never talk negatively about a former employer
This is one of the worst mistakes you can make when you are applying for a new
position. If the interviewer asks why you left your previous employer, be brief
and do not elaborate and most of all, do not blame the company.
5. Make eye contact with the interviewer
You want to make sure the interviewer knows you are focusing on him or her.
Do not look around the room or make notes unless they are related to the
interview or the company with which you are interviewing. Pay attention to the
interviewer and not other things in the room.
How Effective are Specialty Employment Agencies and Job Banks?
When you are looking for a specific type of job, it may be in your best interest to
seek the services of employment agencies and job banks that handle that specific
line of work. Sometimes they are defined more specific while others are more
general. For example, if you are a paralegal looking for employment, you may wish
to seek an employment agency that specializes in either legal employment or
professionals. Sometimes you may find something that is more refined while other
times you may have to look at something on a wider scale.
When the opportunity is available you should always work with employment
agencies and job banks that specialize in the type of work you seek. This will give
you a better scope of what is available in your field and help you find the job that is
perfect for you easier and quicker. If you’re looking for a job as an engineer, you
don’t want to have to sort through thousands of advertisements for chemists or
administrative assistants. The fact that the job banks allow you to filter your
searches is a great advantage but most employment agencies do not allow that and
are unable to tell you if they even have more jobs in one field than another.
Your local newspaper is one source that will allow you to see advertisements only
for the field in which you have an interest. On the other hand, it does not provide
enough information for you to know if a particular advertisement is worth your
time. Many newspaper advertisements do not list the employer’s name or the
salary, and it is not advisable to ask for the salary during the interview—job-interviewing protocol indicates you should wait until a job offer occurs if the
employer does not volunteer the information during the interview.
When you look at all of the possibilities, it indicates that your best sources are
those that specialize in specific fields. This may not always be possible but when
these specialty agencies and job boards are available you should certainly make
use of them. The less time you have to spend looking for a job the better your
chances will be of finding the job that is perfect for you in the least amount of time
possible. Look at it as your time being money and the longer it takes to find a job
the more of your time is spent and thus more money is lost.
Getting the Perfect Job and Keeping It
There are two parts to the perfect job:  obtaining it and keeping it. It’s easy enough
to get hired for the job of your dreams but being able to keep that job for the long
haul is another story. With such an up and down turn in the economy over the
years many companies are downsizing and even the best people are losing their
jobs. How is it that some people are terminated while others manage to keep their
jobs? Is there something special that separates those people from the others?
One reason some people keep their jobs while others around them are being
downsized is their dedication. For some people a job is just a job and those are
usually the first ones to be eliminated when there is the need to cut staff.
Companies have a tendency to keep those employees who are dedicated, loyal and
put forth a little extra effort to get the job done. These are the people are receive
recognition for their efforts and are the first ones to be considered for a promotion.
You must become one of those dedicated people if you want to not only obtain the
perfect job but also keep it throughout a struggling economy.
Although there is never a guarantee you will keep your job, the harder you work
and the more dedicated you are the better the chances are that you will still being
sitting at your desk when others have been terminated. In places where no union
enforces the rules, the newest person is not necessarily the first person to go but
rather the person who has the least amount of dedication and loyalty to the
company. This person comes in on time and leaves on time seldom working
overtime while the dedicated employee may even come in early or stay late without
recording the time, especially when work needs completed and there is no budget
for overtime.
You invested a lot of time and effort into obtaining your perfect job—now you want
to use that same effort and dedication to keep your job and rise to higher levels.
Develop your own standards rather than following what others around you are
doing. Put worth the effort that you feel is right for you and don’t pay attention to
what anyone else thinks you should do. The choices you make will determine
whether you are the person who stays or goes when your company needs to make
staffing cuts.
Focus on the Interviewer and Interview
If you want to increase your chances of getting your perfect job, you want to make
sure you do well at the interview. One of the most important things to remember is
to remain focused on the interviewer and the interview. There is no quicker way to
fail at an interview than to allow the interviewer to see you looking out the window
or daydreaming rather than focusing on him or her and the interview. It is not only
rude but it makes the interviewer feel you are not interested in the interview itself.
Some people just feel as long as they are listening to what the interviewer has to
say there is no need to maintain eye contact. Unfortunately this is an incorrect line
of thinking and in fact makes the interviewer feel you are not really interested in
anything he or she has to say. Keep in mind that the interviewer is sizing you to
see if you are a good fit for the company, so if he cannot read your eyes because
you are staring into space you may as well leave the room because you have
already lost any chance of getting that perfect job.
Even if you find interviews boring, and most of us do, you still have to maintain an
aura of interest if you expect to be hired for that perfect job. It’s not difficult to
pretend to be interested for the few minutes you will be talking to the interviewer.
Remember, if you fail at the interview you will have to continue the process but if
you present a good image and are hired you do not have to go to any more
If you have trouble focusing when you go to an interview, try practicing at home so
that you can get into the habit of maintaining eye contact with your interviewer in
order to increase your chances of getting that perfect job. Learn to look at the
interviewer instead of out the window, into space or down at the floor—worse yet,
looking at messages on your cell phone. Your focus and attention need to be on the
person who is interviewing you and not on anything else in the room. Remember
the interviewer has other things to do and has taken time out of his or her busy
schedule to interview you for the job.
How to Kill Your Chances for Being Hired
The job interview is the only chance you have to present yourself in a positive light
to a potential employer. If you fail to do that, you kill your chances for being hired.
Of course, most of us do not fail at interviews by choice—it is simply the employer’s
choice to hire someone else. However, some things a person may do that are
completely out of line and will kill all of their chances of being hired.
Being late to the interview
Although there may be some circumstances that are beyond your control, for the
most part if you schedule your time properly, there should be no reason for not
arriving at the interview on time. Things such as an unforeseen traffic delay or
being unable to find the employer’s place of business are acceptable if you have
allowed enough time initially. Do make sure to call and communicate with the
Inappropriate dress for the interview
In most cases it is inappropriate to go to an interview wearing jeans, shorts or
other casual attire. If this is acceptable the interviewer will tell you at the time they
schedule the interview. If you are leaving one job to go for the interview, make
sure to let the interviewer know that ahead of time in the event your current job
allows casual dress.
Taking calls on your cell phone during the interview
At no time is it acceptable to accept a phone call during an interview or to provide
the interviewer’s phone number to others. If you have children that may become ill,
make other arrangements for their care. The employer is going to see this as a sign
you will be unwilling to arrange care for your children and will expect to leave any
time they are ill.
Discussing personal business with the interviewer
Although the interviewer may ask you a series of personal questions during the
interview, do not offer any information that is not directly related to the job. For
instance, if you don’t drive, he may ask how you will get back and forth to work if
there is no public transportation and you can say that your husband or boyfriend
will take you and pick you up, but there is no need to discuss other issues. The
interviewer doesn’t care if you are buying a new house, getting married next week,
or having problems at home.
How to Know if You’re Making the Right Choice
When you accept a position you always wonder if you have made the right decision.
Is there any way to know if you have indeed made the right decision? Of course it’s
di9fficult to know until you get into the position and begin working but if you have
made your list of attributes for the perfect job and chosen the one that most closely
matches your list, you can be reasonably certain you have made the right choice.
You went to a great deal of trouble to obtain your perfect job, so you don’t want to
be too quick to question your judgment. You want to give yourself time to think
about it and learn all there is to know about your new job before you make any
judgments. When you first start a job there will be time for you to work into the
position and learn it, so don’t think because it isn’t what you expected at the
beginning that will continue. You should have asked all the pertinent questions at
the interview, and if you did that, any doubts you have in the beginning will
dissipate as you learn more about your new job.
Keep in mind that all new positions have a breaking in period and even if you done
the same type of work in the past for another company, there will still be some
differences. You are not going to work right into your perfect job the first time you
sit down at your new desk—you and the job need to learn to know one another
before you will feel comfortable. Once you get past the “getting to know you” stage,
you will feel more comfortable about the decision you made.
There may be cases where you asked all of the right questions but the employer did
not give you complete answers and you find the new job is not what you thought it
was. Do you simply grin and bear it? That depends how close it is to being your
perfect job. If there is a possibility for improvement, you don’t want to just walk
away. If, on the other hand, you do not think the new job is going to work out for
you in the end, you will have to decide if you want to stay for the time being and
look to move on before you become too involved with the company to seek
something else.
Proper Interview Techniques to Land the Perfect Job
The interview is the only place you will have an opportunity to sell yourself in order
to land your perfect job. If you fail the interview you will not have a second chance
to prove yourself. That means you have to know what to say and do in order to
make sure you get hired for the job you want. You can have the greatest skills in
the world but if you cannot convince the interviewer that you are the best person
for the job, you will not get the job.
You have to project confidence when you are talking to the interviewer. That means
you maintain eye contact and don’t perform nervous gestures such as twiddling
your thumbs, squeezing your hands, playing with your hair or staring around the
room. Your job is to convince the interviewer you are the best person for the job,
and you cannot do that unless you stay focused on what he or she has to say. The
interviewer deserves your full and undivided attention and unless you are willing to
provide that, you greatly reduce your chances of getting the job you want.
Dress is very important at an interview. Unless you are going into a dirty area of
the company and are advised to dress casually, dress professionally or at the very
least in business casual attire the latter of which does not include jeans, shorts,
sweats or running suits. However, if you know the company is strictly professional
as is the case with many law firms and executive offices, dress professionally rather
than business casual. You receive evaluations on not only skills and knowledge but
also on the way, you present yourself.
Showing you know something about the company and what they do is always good
for some points with the interviewer. It shows you took time to do some
investigation before your interview thus showing the interviewer you have an
interest in working for his company. Even if you don’t do anything but read the
annual report, you will have some idea of what the company represents thus giving
yourself an edge over someone who doesn’t take the time to find out anything
about the company. It does not take very long to do a little research on a company
you are considering as an employer, and it will definitely not hurt your chances of
being hired.
Is Getting the Perfect Job Worth the Extra Effort?
There is a great deal of work involved in obtaining the perfect job. It begins with
defining your idea of the perfect job then searching and obtaining interviews. It is
not an easy task and you may ask yourself if it is worth the effort but when you
look at the end results that you can accomplish you will know the effort is
worthwhile. When you have to work anyway, isn’t it worth it to do something that is
worthwhile and enjoyable? People who have a job they enjoy are more successful
than those who work a job they do not like.
The efforts you exert in having the proper training and experience will give increase
your opportunities in the workforce. With an enhanced skill level you have a better
chance of finding the job you want and being able to secure it. Certainly it takes
more effort but when the job market is in a slump, you will have a better chance to
remain or become employed. The effort you exert in both obtaining and maintaining
your perfect job will provide all that you need during those times when the job
market is in a slump.
For many people a job is nothing more than a way to make sure their family has
what they need and although this is the major function of a job, is it not worth it to
having something that is enjoyable? The extra effort you exert to have the job you
really want will allow you to become a higher achiever than you would under other
conditions. For instance, those who like their jobs are likely to become managers
and executives while those who do not like their jobs usually remain in the same
position unless something else opens in another department or another company.
The effort you exert to find the perfect job will ensure that you will enjoy a lifetime
of success as long as you continue to put forth the effort. It’s essential to go the
extra mile in order to make sure you will not be overlooked when it comes time for
promotions. Even if you do not advance with your current company, if you decide to
move forward to something else, you will have the skills necessary to be an integral
part of another company doing the job you enjoy because you put forth the effort
to achieve.
Preparing for the Perfect Job
A good way to find the perfect job is to prepare for it before you begin with your job
search. When you are still in high school and preparing for college you should begin
to determine what you consider to be the perfect job. That does not mean your first
job will necessarily be the perfect job, but you will know what you want and can
already identify your perception of the perfect job.
The key to getting the perfect job is knowing what you want and obtaining the
education and training necessary to perform that job. This is best identified in high
school so that you can take the college courses necessary to assure you can
graduate and pursue your career of choice. That does not mean you can’t make a
career change later or take additional courses in order to acquire the education you
need, but it makes it easier if you can do it immediately out of high school.
Before you enroll in college try to figure out what you want in a career, what your
perfect job is so that you can obtain the training during your college career. That
doesn’t mean you can’t obtain the training later, but it’s easier to do it before you
graduate from college. Of course, it’s understandable that some people are not
certain even when they first graduate from college what they really want to do for a
living, but if you are able to identify it while you are still in college it will reduce the
amount of job searching you will need to do when you graduate.
For those who did not define their perfect job during college, it’s important to
discover what you need to do in order to find the perfect job and make it your
career for life. That means you have to identify your career and the requirements
for entering that field. Some companies may vary in their requirements but if you
follow the general guidelines for that field you will be in a position to at least
negotiate with potential employers. On the other side of the scope lack of
knowledge will get you nowhere including into your perfect job. It’s essential to
know what you want and the skills you need in order to get there. Only then can
you hope to fulfill your dream of having your perfect job.
Project Your Own Image
When you’re looking for the perfect job whether it’s a new job or within your
current company you need to find the right image for you and portray that to
everyone around you. It doesn’t matter what everyone else is doing—you have to
do what is right for you. It’s something as personal as some people will not wear
pants to church while others have no problem. You want to present an image that
portrays you in the way you wish to be portrayed. Each person has an individual
image and you must create yours to fit within the way you want others to see you.
Keep in mind that your image is not important only when you are looking for a new
job but also when you are looking to advance in your current job. Let us look at
dress, for example. Even if the company has a policy of casual dress for all
employees but you notice that managers and other high level employees wear
business attire that is the way you want to dress if you are looking to advance to
that level. You have to show management that you want to be where they are in
order to be viewed as someone of that caliber. That does not mean you have to
begin the job acting as if you are better than everyone else is or dressing in a
management style, but when you know there are openings on higher levels you
need to begin showing interest by the way you act and dress.
Even if you are not interested in a management position you still have an image to
portray in order to find the job that suits you best. You want to present yourself as
someone who is dependable and reliable above all else. Whatever else you wish to
portray is of course good as well, but those two assets are the most important.
Some of the other assets you may wish to make part of your professional profile
include detail oriented, quality conscious, deadline oriented, hard worker, loyal, and
confident to name a few.
Before you begin to look for a new job or advancement within your current
company, make sure you develop the proper image and present it as you go for
interviews. Take the time to perfect any flaws you may have that will place your
professional image in a negative light.
You and the Perfect Job: How Do You Connect
When you’re looking for the perfect job you need to know how to find the job and
how to secure it. To do that you need to first identify your perfect job—you can’t
begin to look for the perfect job unless you first know what you it means to you.
Once you have formed an idea in your head and put it on paper you can begin
looking for your perfect job. At least by that time you will know the type of position
and company that is of interest to you and can forward from there.
Once you have identified your perfect job, the next step is to find someone who is
hiring for the position and type of company you want. The best way to do that is
through some type of classified advertisement, preferably online where there is a
larger selection from which to choose.  When you have more options, there is an
increased likelihood that you will find what you want rather than having to look for
more opportunities because you are not able to find the one that suits your needs.
There is single way to connect with your perfect job that is better than another. It
depends on what you seek and what your qualifications are for the position you
seek. Some positions are more readily available than others and will have more
selections from which to choose while others will have more limited selections,
especially in smaller areas. You also increase you chances of connecting to your
perfect job if you are free to relocate to another state or city, especially if you live
in a small town where there are not very many opportunities for employment.
When you are ready to connect to your perfect job, make sure you choose the
method that is going to provide you with the most job leads. It will become a
simpler process as you become more familiar with where to find job leads based on
your job preferences. In addition, as you learn how to present yourself positively
you will land that perfect job and no longer have to take the time to conduct job
searches. Everything ties in together and complements each part of the process. It
is important to make sure you understand all of the steps in order to have
assurance you are doing everything that is necessary from job search to application
to interview.
Is the Perfect Job Fact or Fantasy?
How often we talk about having the perfect job yet is there really such a thing? Is
there anything that is perfect in life? When it comes to the perfect job, it is
something that is in the mind of the job seeker. Each person has his or her own
idea about what constitutes the perfect job and only the person making the choice
can identify what is truly a perfect job. The definition is different for each person
and is therefore not something one can identify with a dictionary definition.
For some people the perfect job may mean being able to have weekends free to
spend with family or being there when the children come home from school. Each
person’s definition will be directed toward what is important for that person and not
for the working force in general. It is impossible to say that any one type of job is
the perfect job because that in itself would be putting the term into a world of
fantasy. There will never be any two people who will want the exact same thing
from a job and as such there will never be two people who view a perfect job in the
same way.
People seek different things in their jobs and what is the perfect job for one person
will be different for another. Making the choice that is right for each person is an
individual one that depends on the needs of that person. It is not the choice of any
other person to decide if it is fantasy to even consider whether there is such a thing
as the perfect job. It is ludicrous to think that the term “perfect job” will be the
same for everyone.
What is a perfect job? The term will vary among job seekers and is impossible to
identify otherwise. As a job seeker, you must decide what you consider a perfect
job to be. That means you must place your own identification marks on it and
decide what you need and what you seek. The combination of things you seek in a
job will be you definition of the perfect job, and these will be different from
someone else. You and others you know may have some of the same requirements
but they will never be the same—there will always be some differences even if it is
just one of the items on your list.
The Best Job Resources
With so many different job resources it can be difficult for someone to decide which
ones are best and offer the highest potential for success. Depending on your field of
expertise, you may wish to take the time to look at all of the potential resources
rather than attempting to limit yourself to one or two. Of course, if you are
interested in a highly specialized field, it will certainly be better if you utilize the
resources for that particular field in order to make certain you spend as little time
as possible in the job seeking process.
Although some people still tend to look at the local circuit when looking for the
perfect job, it’s important to remember that many employers have gone away from
newspaper advertising simply because it is too costly and because job applicants
today tend to utilize the Internet rather than local newspaper to conduct their job
searches. The want to find the highest number of results in the quickest time
possible and the Internet provides that. In addition, they are able to search the
listings and find enough information to know if a particular position meets their
Trade publications have become very popular sources of job advertisements and
many people of professional standing are now using this source of job information,
especially those who have the flexibility to move to another city or state. Those who
are looking for something in the town where they currently live may still use local
newspapers or filtered online searches. The job resources that are best for you
depend upon the type of position you are seeking and the area in which you want
to work. If you are open to relocating, you have more available job resources than
those who are adamant about staying in the same place where they currently live.
Quite often the college you attended has a placement service or at least a list of
potential job openings that will help you find the job that is perfect for your needs.
Never discount any source of potential job postings because you never know when
there is one that is just right for your needs and may even be the exact position
you have been seeking. Use any and all resources that are available and you will
increase your chances of finding that perfect job in less time than you had
The Importance of Maintaining Professionalism
Although some might think becoming friendly with the interviewer is an easy way to
get hired for that perfect job, quite the opposite is true. You want to remain
professional and not attempt to sway the interviewer’s position by being friendly
instead of professional. You want to show your professional skills and training
rather than to identify with the interviewer by talking about personal things. The
discussion should focus on the job for which you are applying and why you are the
most qualified person. The interviewer is likely to be seeing a number of people, so
you do not want to take up his or her time talking about things that have nothing to
do with the job.
The purpose of the interview is to find out if you are a good fit for the job and the
company. In order for the interviewer to be able to do that you must remain
professional and make certain the conversation is business-related. In regards to
any personal questions the interviewer asks you want to answer only what he or
she asks. If the question is whether you are married, the answer should be yes or
no and not an autobiography of your married life. If the interviewer wanted to know
how long you have been married and what your husband or wife does for a living,
he would ask.
Make sure you do not provide any negative information on former employers. Even
if your last supervisor was a real nasty person, do not mention that. It is not even
necessary to mention that you left your last job because you were unhappy—all you
need to say is you and the company were not a good fit. Many companies today are
not providing information on the reason an employee left for legal reasons, so in
most cases all they will know is your position and the dates you worked for the
company. Do not go into any more details than necessary about former employers
—stay with how long you were with the company and the job functions you
performed. Certainly if you were the victim of downsizing you can state that but
again, keep it brief and to the point leaving out any details unless the interviewer
asks. Keep the interview professional and make sure your answers are right to the
point without any unnecessary and unrequested details provided.
Things to Consider when Identifying the Perfect Job
During your process of identifying the perfect job, there are some things you may
want to keep in mind. Although you are going to identify what is important to you
it’s also important to be realistic in your expectations. Some of the areas in which
people tend to place the most focus and expect too much are listed below. Look at
the items on your list and see how it compares to the items on this list.
Salary is one of the biggest areas where people have a tendency to expect too
much. They tend to think they are worth more than they really are to a new
company, and that often causes them to lose the position. Be realistic when you
identify your salary requirements, keeping in mind that now many employers are
not hiring at all, so getting an interview gives you an edge over others.
Medical Insurance
Although this is an area of major concern, it is also one that many people tend to
overstate when identifying their perfect job. Very few employers today are paying
the full cost of medical insurance, so to include that as an item on your list of
criteria for the perfect job is ludicrous. What you need to do is rephrase it to state
medical insurance at a reasonable cost.
Vacation and Sick Time
Do not lump the two of these together because not all companies offer sick time. In
fact some companies actually lump the two together and call it by various terms or
they may include sick time as part of personal time or include both vacation and
sick time as one item. You also don’t want to expect to take vacation right away or
have two weeks right away. Although some companies do allow two weeks’
vacation after six months, many companies still only offer one week during the first
Retirement Plan or 401K
Many companies today are getting away from the retirement plan and staying with
the 401K plan. This is reasonable to expect from your perfect job but do not
attempt to identify what you expect from the plan since it is regulated by the
government leaving the company itself very little leeway in what it can offer. The
only difference you may find among companies is the funds they offer and
percentage they contribute for each employee.
Where to Find the Perfect Job
If you’re seeking the perfect job, it’s impossible to say exactly where you will find
it. The key is to take your list of requirements and look at the available job postings
to find the closest match. You are not likely to find something that will match your
list exactly because most everyone tends to look for something more than what is
potentially possible to find. For example, everyone would love to find a job that has
free medical insurance, but that is not likely to happen in the economy today,
therefore you want to scale that down a bit into something that is more realistic.
Something you should remember when you are job seeking is that less than 20% of
jobs are listed in the newspaper. Most employers have a file of potential applicants
or look toward those who have the ambition to walk into their company to drop off
a resume and/or see a hiring manager. These are the people who have the highest
potential for being hired because they show the ambition for going after what they
want. It shows a potential employer they are an enterprising person and not
someone who is going to sit back and wait for something to happen.
On the other hand there are many employers today who refuse to accept resumes
unless they are actually hiring and with the cost of gas, many job seekers have
stopped just walking into a company hoping to have an interview. Most employers
today are asking to see resumes in their mail or inboxes before they will even
schedule an interview. How do you beat the game when you are up against
potentially thousands of applicants? One thing that many applicants fail to do in
today’s economy is making a list of the places they have submitted resumes so
they can follow up on its status. Never attempt to rely on your memory because
several weeks later you will not be able to remember where you sent your resume.
Of course job posting sites such as are available and many employers
today make use of these sites when searching for new applicants. By filtering your
search you have a better chance of finding the job you seek and seeing if it fits
within the scope of your perfect job before you submit your resume. This method
makes it convenient for employer and job seeker and allows both to see what is
available before they request an interview.


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